Tag Archives: washington

Cleo and Mishka’s puppies play outdoors

The PNW is having a heat wave and so it has been really nice for the puppies to experience going outside as the shade is even very warm. Cleo’s pups are just 4 weeks old and so have only just begun to explore the great outdoors. Mishka’s 6 week old pups just love it out there – especially when the pack is out and they have someone to chase after. They are surprisingly confident for their ages and love to sniff and walk around – it’s a great start to their socializing outside.

Look how cute they are 🙂

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Cleo’s puppies turn 4 weeks old

I loved Mishka’s puppy photos in front of the hydrangeas and so of course I needed to recreate it with Cleo’s babies. Again, I waited till the sun mostly set so I didn’t overheat them.

Cleo’s babies are not as strong on their feet, but they looked SO cute up on the crate (it isn’t too high off the ground – safety first I promise).

Enjoy these little baby beagle bites as much as we are.






Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Cavaliers of Puget Sound specialty and the Puyallup Cluster

I love this show – this year I decided to take a chance and camp on site in my tiny 14ft camper with my friend Malia, hoping to contain some of the chaos and have a place for the dogs to run when they weren’t needed in the ring.

It meant we had to play logistics games, and we walked over 7 miles a day, but I was grateful for the space we had. We even managed to hook up a mister sprayer to keep them cool in the shade – it was a heat wave everywhere in the country and so we were glad to be able to keep the dogs safe.

I should also mention that we took 4 cavaliers and 9 beagles so it was busy 🙂

On Friday we had the first Cavaliers of Puget Sound specialty show. Our judge was Mrs Valerie Cromer who is a breeder I admire greatly (Truelegance cavaliers). I was thrilled that Charlie (Kazuri’s Mystery of Hope), Paige (Kazuri’s Love Story) and Banksy (Kazuri’s I’m Banking On It at Afton) won their classes. Banksy also won Best Opp in Sweeps also. While we didn’t walk away with points, we were grateful for the nod from a breeder we admire.

The Saturday, we had a ring conflict so Charlie and Banksy got shown, but I had to pull Paige and Piper – i was so gutted. It is hard to show 2 breeds sometimes.

Beagles – the Saturday, as I mentioned above, we had a ring conflict so I was literally running from ring to ring. Malia and I had planned to have help, but ring conflicts for them, meant we were on our own with 9 beagles. It meant that the dogs didn’t have a chance to warm up or get ready. We had a lot of puppies who were at their first show, it wasn’t how we wanted to give them their first ring experience. Despite all of this, the puppies all showed well – they stood on the table and walked on a leash – I will call that a win all around 🙂

Sunday and Monday were better as we didn’t have cavaliers to show. we had great competition so didn’t win it all, but Morrison (Kazuri’s everything reminds me of you) won WD/BOW in 13s for his first major and 5 points. Lucy (Wilderness You Cant Take My Sass) won WB for 2 points on Monday. Callie (GCH Kazuri’s Everything’s Sugar N Spice BCAT) and Savanah (CH Kazuri’s Gonna Be Peachy) won a select Major each. Brinn (Kazuri’s Chasing My Dreams) won reserve all 3 days. Gracie (who I didn’t breed but she comes from dogs I bred) won BOV on Saturday, and select/OHBOV on Monday. So, it was a great weekend all around.

Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that two Jrs borrowed Charlie and Paige for the specialty show, and Callie for the AB show and had some wonderful success – it was fun to see my dogs be shown by someone else and had success – well done S and V!

Mishka’s pups turn 6 weeks

The PNW has beautiful weather and my garden is BLOOMING so i just knew the photos for this week needed to be in front of them. I waited till after a giant play time outside and till the sun went down so around 8pm – they were very sleepy and it didnt take much convincing to have them stay in one spot. I even managed to get them all sitting together.

Enjoy the little beagle puppies <3 I love them so so much






Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Cleo and Chevy’s beagle pups turn 3 weeks old

Cleo and Chevy’s pups are getting stronger and more able to sit up and walk around. They are still pretty sleepy and can’t play for long, but I suspect it wont be too long till they are joined with the other pups for some outside play.

We love this age – so sweet and cuddly and their little puppy growls are to die for






Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Mishka’s beagle pups turn 5 weeks old

The beagle babies are now fully a part of our family and pack – they confidently eat and play and enjoy life apart from their momma. They have loads of personality and love snuggles. I am so excited for their new families to receive their bundles of joy in the coming weeks.

Enjoy the photos of them on the blue chair this week 🙂





Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Cleo and Chevy’s puppies turn 2 weeks old

Cleo continues to be a super momma and the babies are growing like little weeds – they are strong and often my photos are blurry as they always wiggle. Not that this is really a complaint at all.

Their eyes are almost open – I say in a few days they will be fully open.

Enjoy their photos





Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Mishka and Murphy’s beagle puppies are 4 weeks old

The little eclipse beagle babies are growing up and enjoying the outside more and more. They are using their little potty boxes more often and are having 3 full meals a day. Mishka isn’t needed as much for feeding and is now transitioning to her fun mom role.

I took photos of them in the garden as they played today. I love these sweet and fun little babies so much.





Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Mishka and Murphy’s beagle puppies enjoy a little time outside

It was a beautiful sunny day, so I thought we would go outside for some photos and a sniff around. The puppies felt they werent ready and there were many mews of “take us back to our blankies” LOL> We shall try again in a few days

Enjoy the photos of them from today





Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Cleo and Chevy’s beagle puppies are 1 week old

Cleo is a super mom. After a little bout of early mastitis, that we took care of with massage and antibiotics, she is content and the puppies are thriving. We dont hear a peep from them as they are full and warm. We couldn’t ask for anything more from Cleo.

Her babies are strong and don’t want to sit still for photos, so enjoy the ones I took of them today





Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.