Cleo is Nick and Rosie’s only daughter – she is a beloved pet and an Instagram star @cleo_thebeagle_ig Her family agreed to let me have a litter with her and I chose Chevy (CH Meadowcrest Blew My Mind) as her stud.
Overnight on Monday, she was clingy and whiney and so I slept beside her. In the week hours of Tuesday morning she was restless and shivering a little but no panting or major nesting. She didn’t want me to leave her side and so I started an email sitting close by the whelping pen so she would know I was there, but not feel me hovering.
I didn’t hear a grunt, push or any liquid sounds. My daughter came in to check on us, and peered over the pen and said “there is a puppy in there”. WHAT???? I was less than 2 feet away – I sprung to my feet – the pup was still in the sack and we broke it open and started to rub and get her warm – she started breathing and Cleo pushed out another puppy – they must have been minutes apart.
Baby #1 was a tri girl – 8.9oz

Baby #2 was a red and white boy – 9.3oz

we had a large gap and so under vet advice we gave her a small dose of oxy and she started pushing immediately and we had another boy – thanks to my momma who helped rub them down and weigh them
Tri boy – 9.4oz

and last baby was a blue boy – 10.35oz – just like her mom Rosie she saved the biggest for last. this color is not common since it is a double recessive color, but is part of the standard (just in case anyone wanted to know)

All the pups are thriving and doing great – we couldn’t be more thankful.